Moving on
I'm a little bit late doing this (it's been over 6 years since my last update 😅), but after nearly 10 years at TripleFun, then Betclic, I'm moving on and joining Spendesk as a Senior Back-End Engineer.

It's a bit weird to think "10 years".
10 whole years.
It's such a long time, but it doesn't feel that long when I think about it. Time has flown.
TripleFun was a journey and a half - multiple different games across different technologies (Flash, native with Obj-C, then Unity) culminating in Microgolf Masters, a game which ultimately touched a few million players. Along the way, I made a lot of mistakes, learned how to fix them, and started on the continuous learning path that I've been able to benefit from since.
I started with backend code, learned how to handle servers on AWS with the help of some very talented people, learned a ton about admining a game of that size, handled the support for a number of years (if one thing teaches you about the game you're making, handling support for it is that thing), learned about tools, and statistics, and analytics, and prototyping. In short, if you want to have a hand in everything, join a startup.
When our CEO, Nicolas, went back to Betclic, he brought TripleFun with him, and we slowly merged into a larger whole. Over time, the focus became less on making games and more on using our unique skills to benefit the mothership. We made a lot of prototypes touching on a lot of subjects, and again, thanks to some amazing people, I was able to add a few more skills to my belt, most notably everything serverless (AWS, Lambda, DynamoDB) and later Flutter (which, in my opinion, should be the first and only step if you're looking to develop apps - seriously, I ❤ this tech).
I guess the flow of different projects and technologies contributed to that feeling of time flying by. It's interesting that the more you learn, the more you realise that all the flaws in everything that you did previously could be handled sooooo much easier with the knowledge and tech that you have now. But I suppose the nature of things is to keep building and keep making the next thing that bit better.
So, after nearly 10 years, I'm starting a new position in a completely new domain, learning a new way of doing things. Everything is different, and the experience has been humbling to say the least 😅 (Imposter Syndrome is real 😂). TripleFun and Betclic have been fantastic places to work, and I wouldn't be where I am now without them. I know they'll have the greatest success (anyone looking at Betclic's transformation over the last number of years will agree), and I want to thank Nicolas Beraud for the opportunity that came my way back in 2013.
Let's go 🚀
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