
I'm so above you

More striking photos from The Big Picture, which is quickly becoming one of my favourite sites. From the exhibit Earth From Above by Yann Arthus-Bertrand, 10 photos (from an original 38 - the number was reduced at the request of the coodinaator of Yann's new exhibit) showcasing views from around the world taken from helicopters and such. Check out the blog, or head to Yann's site where you can view more images, and download some for your desktop background.

Green lichen on otherwise barren volcanic mountainside in Iceland

More Bondage

Internet (strategy) games not enough to whet your appetite for the Bond? You can now download a short, and I mean very short, demo of Quantum of Solace. Nothing specifically new, but I liked what I played, so I'm probably going to get it when it comes out. It's using the Call of Duty 4 engine, so it should play out very nicely offline and online. And yes, I know the image here doesn't feature in any way on the demo, but I don't have a screenshot because I played it at work. At lunchtime, obviously.

Bond doing his Bond thing

Crazy-ass people on Little Big Planet

Some genius / social delinquent with way too much time on his hands has built a calculator in Little Big Planet. It takes numbers and adds them up or subtracts them. So far, no big deal. Until the camera moves up and shows how he built the mechanism. It's a mechanical calculator. A mechanical calculator. Made of something like 610 magnetic switches, 500 wires, and 430 pistons. I'd love to see the multiplication / division version.

In the mean time, I'm still waiting on my beta key. Sigh... If you want to join me in the wait, you can apply for a Little Big Planet beta key on USA Today.

A Little Big Planet calculator


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