Textured text in AS3
Ever feel the desire to see your text in anything other than the default dull-as-muck solid colours? I sure do! Which is why I spent a few hours creating this TexturedText
Relive all the cool effects from the 80's and impress your friends. In fact, you'll probably win some friends if you use this in your projects. Some of the features:
- It's based on
so it can do all the cool thingsBitmap
can do. Like...um, pixel snapping and stuff. - It'll use any
you want for the texture, or if you like plagiarising stuff, pass aString
URL for it to load that image. - It'll work with any font you want (big fonts look better). Embed your fonts, use
to make it bigger and stuff. - If you use a texture that's too small, it'll draw your text in patches. Amazing!
- Use all your favourite
properties, liketext
. - Change text/texture on the fly!
- Cleans up after itself when you want to abandon it.
On to the code:
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.display.LoaderInfo;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
import flash.system.LoaderContext;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
* Creates a TextField that's textured by an image
public class TexturedTextField extends Bitmap
* When using the texture, should we sample a rample position?
public var useRandomTexturePos:Boolean = true;
private var m_text:TextField = null; // the TextField that we use to write our text
private var m_texture:BitmapData = null; // the texture that we're going to texture our TextField with
private var m_textBMD:BitmapData = null; // the BitmapData that we use to draw our TextField
private var m_drawPoint:Point = new Point; // Point used in drawing the final BitmapData
private var m_drawRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle;// the Rectangle we use to determine which part of the texture to take
private var m_loader:Loader = null; // the loader object we use to load in our image
private var m_context:LoaderContext = null; // the loader context for our loader object
* The text to display
public function get text():String { return this.m_text.text; }
public function set text( s:String ):void
this.m_text.text = s;
* The TextFormat to use when rendering the text
public function set textFormat( tf:TextFormat ):void
this.m_text.defaultTextFormat = tf;
this.m_text.text = this.m_text.text; // reset the text so the textformat takes effect
* Is the font we're using embedded?
public function set embedFonts( b:Boolean ):void
this.m_text.embedFonts = b;
* If the TextField is a multiline TextField
public function set multiline( b:Boolean ):void
this.m_text.multiline = b;
* If the text is too long for the TextField, should it wrap?
public function set wordWrap( b:Boolean ):void
this.m_text.wordWrap = b;
* The width of the TextField in pixels
override public function get width():Number { return this.m_text.width; }
override public function set width( n:Number ):void
this.m_text.width = n;
* The height of the TextField in pixels
override public function get height():Number { return this.m_text.height; }
override public function set height( n:Number ):void
this.m_text.height = n;
* The texture that we want to use for this TextField. Can be either a BitmapData
* or a URL to load our texture from. NOTE: This won't call dispose() on any existing
* texture, so you'll need to clean it up yourself
public function set texture( t:* ):void
// if it's not a BitmapData or a String, don't do anything
if ( t != null && !( t is BitmapData ) && !( t is String ) )
trace( "3:The texture object passed (" + t + ") isn't a BitmapData object or a URL" );
// if we already have a texture, kill it
if ( this.m_texture != null )
this.m_texture = null;
// if it's null, do nothing
if ( t == null )
// if we already have a loader, stop it
if ( this.m_loader != null )
// if it's a BitmapData object, just store it directly
if ( t is BitmapData )
this.m_texture = t;
this._redraw(); // redraw immediately (the loading will call redraw when it's done)
// create our loader and listeners
this.m_loader = new Loader;
this.m_loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, this._onTextureLoad );
this.m_loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener( IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, this._onIOError );
this.m_loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener( SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, this._onSecurityError );
// create our context if needed
if ( this.m_context == null )
this.m_context = new LoaderContext( true );
// load the image
this.m_loader.load( new URLRequest( t ), this.m_context );
catch ( e:SecurityError )
trace( "3:A Security error occured: " + e.errorID + ": " + e.message );
* Creates a new TexturedTextField
* @param texture The texture we want to use; either a BitmapData, or a url to load
public function TexturedTextField( texture:* = null )
// create our textfield
this.m_text = new TextField;
this.m_text.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
// set our texture
this.texture = texture;
* Destroys the TexturedTextField and clears it for garbage collection
* @param killTexture Should we call dispose() on the texture BitmapData object?
public function destroy( killTexture:Boolean ):void
// kill the loader
// dispose of the BitmapDatas so we save memory immediately
if ( killTexture )
// null our objects
this.m_text = null;
this.m_texture = null;
this.m_textBMD = null;
this.m_drawPoint = null;
this.m_drawRect = null;
this.m_loader = null;
// redraws the text so any changes take place
private function _redraw():void
// if we've no texture, just return
if ( this.m_texture == null )
// if our textfield is empty, just return
if ( this.m_text.text == "" )
if ( this.bitmapData != null )
this.bitmapData.fillRect( this.bitmapData.rect, 0x00000000 );
// get the width and height of our text
var tw:int = int( this.m_text.width + 0.5 ); // quick convert to int without clipping
var th:int = int( this.m_text.height + 0.5 );
// reuse our previous BitmapData if we can, rather than always creating a new one
if ( this.m_textBMD == null || this.m_textBMD.width < tw || this.m_textBMD.height < th )
// dispose immediately to save memory
if ( this.m_textBMD != null )
this.m_textBMD = new BitmapData( tw, th, true, 0x00000000 );
this.m_textBMD.fillRect( this.m_textBMD.rect, 0x00000000 ); // clear the bitmapdata of the old rendering
// draw our text
this.m_textBMD.draw( this.m_text, null, null, null, null, true );
// set our draw rect position
this.m_drawRect.x = ( this.useRandomTexturePos ) ? Math.random() * ( this.m_texture.width - tw ) : 0.0;
this.m_drawRect.y = ( this.useRandomTexturePos ) ? Math.random() * ( this.m_texture.height - tw ) : 0.0;
this.m_drawRect.width = ( tw < this.m_texture.width ) ? tw : this.m_texture.width;
this.m_drawRect.height = ( th < this.m_texture.height ) ? th : this.m_texture.height;
// make sure the draw rect x and y aren't minus
if ( this.m_drawRect.x < 0.0 ) this.m_drawRect.x = 0.0;
if ( this.m_drawRect.y < 0.0 ) this.m_drawRect.y = 0.0;
// reset the draw point position
this.m_drawPoint.x = 0.0;
this.m_drawPoint.y = 0.0;
// dispose of the previous bitmap if there is one to save memory
if ( this.bitmapData != null )
// create our bitmapdata and copy our pixels, using the text bmd as an alpha mask
var doY:Boolean = false; // do we need to move the y as well?
this.bitmapData = new BitmapData( tw, th, true, 0xf7000000 );
while ( true )
// copy the pixels over
this.bitmapData.copyPixels( this.m_texture, this.m_drawRect, this.m_drawPoint, this.m_textBMD, this.m_drawPoint );
// if this needs to be done in multiple segments, it'll travel along the x,
// then move down a bit and travel along the x again, until it's done
// if our texture wasn't big enough, we need to do this in a few turns.
// check do we need to do the y
doY = ( this.m_drawPoint.y + this.m_drawRect.height < th );
// do we need to do the x?
if ( this.m_drawPoint.x + this.m_drawRect.width < tw )
this.m_drawPoint.x += this.m_drawRect.width; // move along
else if ( doY )
this.m_drawPoint.x = 0.0; // reset the x
this.m_drawPoint.y += this.m_drawRect.height;
doY = false;
break; // it's fine, we've finished
// called when our texture is loaded
private function _onTextureLoad( e:Event ):void
// get the loader info and extract the bitmap from it
var info:LoaderInfo = e.target as LoaderInfo;
var bitmap:Bitmap = info.content as Bitmap; // accessing this will throw an error if we don't
// have permission
catch ( err:SecurityError )
trace( "3:A Security error occured: " + err.errorID + ": " + err.message );
// if our bitmap is null, return
if ( bitmap == null )
// store our texture and clear the loader
this.m_texture = bitmap.bitmapData;
bitmap.bitmapData = null;
this._cleanUp( info );
// redraw the text
// called when there's been an io error when loading our texture
private function _onIOError( e:IOErrorEvent ):void
trace( "3:There was an io error: errorID: " + e.errorID + ", text: " + e.text );
this._cleanUp( e.target as LoaderInfo );
// called when there's been a security error when loading our texture
private function _onSecurityError( e:SecurityErrorEvent ):void
trace( "3:There was a security error: errorID: " + e.errorID + ", text: " + e.text );
this._cleanUp( e.target as LoaderInfo );
// clean up the listeners for the texture loader
private function _cleanUp( info:LoaderInfo ):void
info.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, this._onTextureLoad );
info.addEventListener( IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, this._onIOError );
info.addEventListener( SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, this._onSecurityError );
// clear our loader
this.m_loader = null;
// kills the loader if there's a load in progress
private function _killLoader():void
if ( this.m_loader == null )
// close the loader and clean up
this._cleanUp( this.m_loader.contentLoaderInfo ); // removes the event listeners
So how do you actually use this in a project? It couldn't be easier:
var ttf:TexturedTextField = new TexturedTextField( texture ); // texture is a BitmapData, but it could also be a URL string
ttf.textFormat = new TextFormat( "Trebuchet Ms", 50.0, null, true );
ttf.text = "Hello world";
this.addChild( ttf );
Incredible! Play around with it in the SWF below, and get the code if you want.
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