
Colony tech update 1: Creating a game camera, part 4, controlling using the screen edges

Next in our line of camera controllers is controlling using the screen edges. You'll see this sort of behaviour in a lot of PC games, especially 4X games (Medieval, Civilisation, etc).

The input

We'll use the Input class from part 3 to handle what we need from the mouse, which for this, is only the current mouse position on the stage.

The CameraMouseEdgeControls class

For this controller, we need to define a border where our mouse will be considered active. Once the mouse has entered this border zone, we're going to move the camera in that direction, scaled depending on how far we're inside it.

A visual of the mouse edge border zone

In the above example, we scale the camera movement, so that when the mouse is just over the dotted line, we're barely moving, and when we're right up against the screen edge, we're moving at full speed. This sort of linear velocity gives a nice user experience, as sudden changes in the camera are quickly irritating when you're trying to click on something.

Like the CameraKeyControls, we normalise the move vector so that we don't move faster in the diagonals. We also make use of an "active" Signal, for when you're sporting more than one controller.

For this controller, there's no zooming. If you come up with an idea on how to implement it with this, I'm all ears :)


Because of the nature of this controller, there are a few things you need to keep in mind:

For the first, when the user goes to select an object that's close to the edge of the screen, the camera will move, which might cause them to misclick. Even if they don't, the camera moving can be irritating if they're trying to keep a certain region of the game on-screen. To get around this, you can:

For the second, GUI elements are commonly arranged around the edges of the screen, because GUI in the middle of the screen doesn't make for the most amazing of games. If you can select something on your GUI (buttons, gauges, whatever), then when you move to select this element, you'll probably trigger the camera movement, as you'll most likely be inside the bounds. This is usually Not a Good Thing. To fix it:

The code

Again, make sure and add it to your update loop. You can also download it below. Keep scrolling for an example

	import flash.display.Stage;
	import flash.geom.Point;
	import org.osflash.signals.Signal;
	 * Controls a camera by moving it when the mouse is near the edges
	 * @author Damian Connolly
	public class CameraMouseEdgeControls extends CameraControls
		 * The signal dispatched when we start moving the camera with the mouse. It should take no
		 * parameters. This is useful if you're using these controls with other ones, such as
		 * CameraFollowControls, where you can disable those while you're dragging
		public var signalOnStartedMoving:Signal = null;
		 * How big the move border is
		public var border:Number = 20.0;
		private var m_hasFiredStartSignal:Boolean 	= false;// have we fired our signalOnStartedMoving signal?
		private var m_input:Input					= null; // the input object that tracks our keys/mouse
		 * Creates a new controller for a camera
		 * @param camera The camera that we're going to control
		 * @param stage The main stage
		 * @param input The input object that tracks our keys/mouse
		public function CameraMouseEdgeControls( camera:Camera, stage:Stage, input:Input ) 
			super( camera, stage );
			this.m_input				= input;
			this.signalOnStartedMoving 	= new Signal;
		 * Destroys the CameraMouseEdgeControls and clears it for garbage collection
		override public function destroy():void 
			this.signalOnStartedMoving 	= null;
			this.m_input				= null;
		 * Called every frame the CameraMouseEdgeControls are active
		 * @param dt The delta time since the last update
		override public function update( dt:Number ):void
			// get our delta depending on the mouse position
			var mousePos:Point = this.m_input.mousePos;
			// horizontal
			if ( mousePos.x <= this.m_camera.x + this.border ) // use equal in case border is 0
				this.m_moveDir.x = ( this.border <= 0.0 || mousePos.x <= this.m_camera.x ) ? -1.0 : -( this.border - ( mousePos.x - this.m_camera.x  ) ) / this.border;
			else if ( mousePos.x >= this.m_camera.x + this.m_camera.width - this.border )
				this.m_moveDir.x = ( this.border <= 0.0 || mousePos.x >= this.m_camera.x + this.m_camera.width ) ? 1.0 : ( this.border - ( this.m_camera.x + this.m_camera.width - mousePos.x ) ) / this.border;
				this.m_moveDir.x = 0.0;
			// vertical
			if ( mousePos.y <= this.m_camera.x + this.border )
				this.m_moveDir.y = ( this.border <= 0.0 || mousePos.y <= this.m_camera.y ) ? -1.0 : -( this.border - ( mousePos.y - this.m_camera.y ) ) / this.border;
			else if ( mousePos.y >= this.m_camera.x + this.m_camera.height - this.border )
				this.m_moveDir.y = ( this.border <= 0.0 || mousePos.y >= this.m_camera.y + this.m_camera.height ) ? 1.0 : ( this.border - ( this.m_camera.y + this.m_camera.height - mousePos.y ) ) / this.border;
				this.m_moveDir.y = 0.0;
			// if there's no change, do nothing
			if ( this.m_moveDir.x != 0.0 || this.m_moveDir.y != 0.0 )
				// normalise our dir if we're moving diagonally, otherwise we'll move quicker
				if ( this.m_moveDir.x != 0.0 && this.m_moveDir.y != 0.0 )
					this.m_moveDir.normalize( 1.0 );
				// check if we should compensate for zoom
				var zoomComp:Number	= ( this.shouldMoveCompenstateForZoom ) ? 1.0 / this.m_camera.zoom : 1.0;
				if ( zoomComp != 1.0 )
					this.m_moveDir.x *= zoomComp;
					this.m_moveDir.y *= zoomComp;
				// either move directly, or with velocity
				if( this.shouldMoveWithVelocity )
					this.m_camera.setMoveVelocityBy( this.m_moveDir.x * this.moveSpeed * dt, this.m_moveDir.y * this.moveSpeed * dt );
					this.m_camera.moveCameraBy( this.m_moveDir.x * this.moveSpeed * dt, this.m_moveDir.y * this.moveSpeed * dt );
				// dispatch our signal if we haven't already
				if ( !this.m_hasFiredStartSignal )
					this.m_hasFiredStartSignal = true;
				this.m_hasFiredStartSignal = false;



Here it is in action! Click on the stage to give it focus, and any time after that to reset the camera to the center.

An example of controlling the camera using the screen edges in action

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