Save Bob! and Stars
This is going to be a quick one, as aside from prototyping for one of them, I wasn't really directly involved in either of these projects, but only writing about what I did is selfish, and according to my mother, that's A Bad Thing.
Save Bob!
Not so long ago, TripleFun finally did what was on the cards since the society was created; we split into 2 studios, one in Paris, and one in Bordeaux. Paris' first solo project: Save Bob!

Save Bob! is a game in the style of Frogger or Crossy Road. You control a lobster who's making a break for freedom rather than a boiling pot. You need to time your runs right in order to get to the next platform safely.

The game was developed in Unity, a first for the Paris team, and built over a period of about 2 months. Each "level" in the game is constructed procedurally, so if you're good enough, I guess it doesn't matter, because you'll never finish the game.
It features hand-drawn (with the aid of a computer) animation from our resident artist, Augustin, which comes off quite well for such a small game.
It's available for iOS, and you can see a short video of it in action below:
Stars completes the trifecta of TripleFun games using the assets generated for Permüt and Duelo.

I worked on the prototype for this, doing up a quick version in Starling in about a day or two. The idea was to make a scratchcard game using the celebrity caricatures from our huge DB of images.

The app itself is pretty simple. As you scratch, you spend stars. You need to scratch as little as possible so that you don't waste too many, but enough that you can make a guess as to the celebrity in the picture. You have 5 lives that recharge over time - each wrong answer costs you a life. Strategy Game of the Year, here we come.
Once the prototype was validated, the app itself took about 2 months to develop. It also marks the last AIR app that we developed, as after that, we officially adopted Unity for our games.
Stars is available for iOS, and you can see a short video of it below:
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