January 2023
December 2016
June 2016
- Microgolf Masters Groovy Unity iOS Android Multiplayer Microgolf Masters TripleFun
- Microgolf Masters Images Groovy Unity iOS Android Multiplayer Microgolf Masters TripleFun
May 2016
January 2016
July 2015
- Hacking how Node.js launches in Visual Studio Code Visual Studio Code Node.js
- You are the Monster - Ludum Dare #33 AS3 Ludum Dare
- An intro to TypeScript JavaScript
June 2015
- Using Phaser with Visual Studio Code Phaser Visual Studio Code TypeScript HTML5
- Drupal2Jekyll Drupal Jekyll AS3 AIR
May 2015
- MicroGolf Challenge Groovy Unity iOS Android Multiplayer MicroGolf Challenge TripleFun
- MicroGolf Challenge Images Groovy Unity iOS Android Multiplayer MicroGolf Challenge TripleFun
- Save Bob! and Stars AS3 Groovy Unity iOS Save Bob Stars TripleFun
- Duelo AS3 Groovy iOS Android Multiplayer Duelo TripleFun
April 2015
- TED AS3 Groovy iOS Multiplayer ObjC TED TripleFun
- TED Images AS3 Groovy iOS Multiplayer ObjC TED TripleFun
- TED Movies AS3 Groovy iOS Multiplayer ObjC TED TripleFun
March 2015
September 2014
August 2014
May 2014
April 2014
February 2014
January 2014
- Colony tech update 1: Creating a game camera, part 8, bringing it all together AS3 Colony
- Colony tech update 1: Creating a game camera, part 7, selecting objects AS3 Colony
December 2013
- Colony tech update 1: Creating a game camera, part 6, following objects AS3 Colony
- Colony tech update 1: Creating a game camera, part 5, controlling using the mouse AS3 Colony
- Colony tech update 1: Creating a game camera, part 4, controlling using the screen edges AS3 Colony
- Colony tech update 1: Creating a game camera, part 3, controlling using the keyboard AS3 Colony
- Colony tech update 1: Creating a game camera, part 2, the base CameraControls class AS3 Colony
- Colony tech update 1: Creating a game camera, part 1 AS3 Colony
November 2013
- Paris by night Photography Paris
- Making sense of AS3 Runtime errors at runtime AS3
- My current project: Colony Colony
August 2013
- 10 Second Sprint - Ludum Dare #27 AS3 Ludum Dare 10 Second Sprint
- Play 10 Second Sprint AS3 Ludum Dare 10 Second Sprint
- HeadsUp Poker heads to Android! Android Loom HeadsUp
March 2013
- HeadsUp Poker - a Loom game AS3 Loom HeadsUp
- Play HeadsUp Poker AS3 Loom
- Turning EA into a game Game Design EA
January 2013
- Krisgard - A real-time multiplayer game for Facebook, but not anymore AS3 Qozmo Krisgard Groovy Facebook Multiplayer
- Krisgard Movies AS3 Qozmo Krisgard Groovy Facebook Multiplayer
- Krisgard Images AS3 Qozmo Krisgard Groovy Facebook Multiplayer
October 2012
April 2012
January 2012
December 2011
November 2011
August 2011
June 2011
April 2011
- Tracking memory leaks in AS3 AS3 Tips Memory
- AS3 Conditional compilation or #ifdef in Flash AS3 Tips
March 2011
- AS3 Game Object Editor AS3 AS3GameObjectEditor
- AS3 Game Object Editor Features AS3 AS3GameObjectEditor
- AS3 Game Object Editor How To AS3 AS3GameObjectEditor
- AS3 Game Object Editor Class Markup AS3 AS3GameObjectEditor
- AS3 Game Object Editor Metadata Syntax AS3 AS3GameObjectEditor Metadata
- Wikileakers AS3 Wikileaks Wikileakers Julian Assange
February 2011
January 2011
- Tips for finding a job in the industry Tips Job Java Interview Industry Flash CV
- SafeNumber and SafeInt: Protecting your SWF against memory hacking AS3 Security
- Tracing different colours with FlashDevelop AS3 FlashDevelop
November 2010
October 2010
August 2010
July 2010
June 2010
- Hacking the Open Graph Protocol into Drupal 6 Open Graph Facebook Drupal PHP
- How to create Flash games for free AS3
August 2009
- Frioul and the south of Marseille Marseille Frioul France
- Playing with light Photography
- Sunlight through the leaves Photography
- Lazy days France
July 2009
June 2009
May 2009
- A wolf among sheep Links
- Fire breath Photography
- So many images... France
- Ubisoft give me (subsidised) stuff Snow
- London bridge Photography
- She says tulips... Photography
October 2008
- I'm so above you Links
- I was surprised as well... Links
- Bondage Links
- Give me a horse...a pony...anything Links
September 2008
- Jack Thompson is so disbarred... Links
- Little Beta Planet Links
- Hide Links
- Synthetic love Links
- Seek and ye shall find Links
- Satisfy your inner id Links
- I think I have some dust in my eye... Links
- I'm your daddy Links
- Bip bippedy boo bop wey Links
- How to be like Jesus Links
August 2008
July 2008
May 2008
April 2008
March 2008
- Oh, I live on an island in the middle of the sea...
- A rose-flavoured cheesecake s'il vous plaît
- Culturefy yourself Photography
February 2008
September 2007
- Super Multiplayer Online Card Game v1.0 Released! C# XNA
- Super Multiplayer Online Card Game Images C# XNA
- Super Multiplayer Online Card Game Rules etc. C# XNA
- Super Multiplayer Online Card Game C# XNA
August 2007
- GXBase C++ OpenGL
- GXBase libraries C++ OpenGL
- Muineacháin Abú! Photography
- SMOCG and more... C# Multiplayer
- Mudgirl Photography
- Oxegen 2007
- Humber Bridge Photography
- Humber Bridge Redux Photography
- Squirrel Photography
June 2007
- Independance! Photography
- Alleyway Photography
- Welcome Back Photography
- Splashy splashy Photography
- Up Monaghan!
- Cathedral Photography
- Raven Photography
- Old Phone Box Photography
- Exploding Table Photography
- Windcock Photography
- Snail Photography
- Foxglove Photography
- Laziness Photography
- See where my eye's at
- Cutting grass Photography
- After the mowing Photography
- Slug slime Photography
- Caterpillar Photography
- Red red roses Photography
- Worker Bee Photography
- Progressive farming
- Freedom!
- Pandemic C++
- Cranbrook Poker Champion 2007 Poker
May 2007
- I'm in the big time now
- You've no idea how long this took
- Multiplayer Football Simulation Movies C++ Multiplayer Physics AI Multithreading
- Multiplayer Football Simulation Images C++ Multiplayer Physics AI Multithreading
- Multiplayer Football Simulation C++ Multiplayer Physics AI Multithreading
- Ski / France photos! Snow
- Wakka wakka wakka
- AI Pacman Controller Movies C++ AI
- AI Pacman Controller Images C++ AI
- AI Pacman Controller C++ AI
- Swim with the fishes. Without concrete boots
- Underwater Scene Movies GLSL
- Underwater Scene Images GLSL
- Underwater Scene GLSL
- Rock on auld boy!
- St. Andrew poker photos! Poker
April 2007
- Ah! The sweet smell of...sigh...
- Worst idea in the world
- Je suis radical de le max
- 16 Cranbrook? I'm all in baby... Poker